Oh dear, this might be a problem

SCENE | Watch now

Released on YouTube 2024-09-01


Bring what up, Lucas? Do you have an idea? Something that might tell us who wrecked the ships in the first place? And who was behind the hidden little portrait of the badger? And whose blood that was on the old thruppenny bit? And of course: Why I said passAgeway.

- Tom | Watch now

[AJ] You said passAgeway.
[Tom] I did, yes. For you.
[AJ] You did for me, because you wanted to spice things up.
[Luke] I've been- I've been luring the ships onto the rocks.
[Tom] Yes, no, we, we know. That's good.
[AJ] Yes, great. Very impressive.
[Tom] Really good.
[AJ] Very scary.
[Tom] Because I wanted to spice things up.
[Luke] It is a big crime, and I've worked a lot of years on it!
[Tom] I'm sure you did, but we've really got a- There's a thing going on here.

- AJ, Tom and Luke | Watch now


AJ as Lucas (detective)
Tom as Ingleheim (detective)
Luke as criminal (convincingly acting like a 14 year old maid)


war, secret passageway, light house, fog horn, death (AJ)